1-Day Fire EVOC / Basic Skills Update FEE: 412.00 LOCATION: Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Regional Training Center, 6289 Madigan Road, Dublin CA 94568 [MAP] DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to instruct Fire Fighters in the lawful requirements of operating an emergency vehicle under Code 3 conditions. The student will be instructed in the areas required by Vehicle Code Sections 21055 - 21056 and 21806. The students will demonstrate a working knowledge of driver skills by successfully driving such courses as the Skid Pan, Hazard Avoidance Simulator, Threshold Braking, Offset Alleys, Serpentine, Code-3 Operations, and others. Excellent course for beginning operators. INSTRUCTORS: All instructors are POST certified instructors with varying experience. PREREQUISITE: Must be a full-time/reserve Fire Fighter. Must be in excellent physical condition and free of any prior injuries that may be aggravated by intensive vehicle weight transfer, braking, turning or skidding. PRESENTATION HOURS: This is an 8-hour course that will be presented from 0800 to 1700 PRESENTATION DATES: Please see dates below or contact EVOC Coordinator, Deputy Ron Graber at rgraber@acgov.org REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Students are required to have a valid drivers license and bring with them any large vehicle apparatus they wish to operate. The RTC will supply the law enforcement style sedans for basic skills prior to learning concepts of operating large equipment. Students should wear suitable clothing, such as long pants (no shorts or skirts), a comfortable (with sleeves) shirt, and sturdy shoes. Athletic shoes are acceptable. No sandals, highs heels, open toed or dress shoes allowed. PAYMENT: Tuition will be accepted on the day of the course by either cash or check made out to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office. Credit card payments can be made prior to the course, Tuesday through Friday, 0800-1700 in the main office of the Regional Training Center. CANCELLING REGISTRATION: To cancel a registration for a course, please notify the Regional Training Center via e-mail or phone. E-mail cancellations can be directed to rtcinfo@sheriffacademy.com and phone cancellations to (925) 551-6970. In all cases, course cancellations less than 5 business days' prior to class start date, may be subject to a course cancellation fee equal to 50% of the course tuition. Students who fail to attend the course without cancelling prior to the start of the course (No Show) will be charged the full course tuition. *Due to the physical dangers of this course, you will be required to sign a Release of Liability as a safety precaution when arriving at the RTC. Please see the link below to review the document. Sanchez Release of liability Revised 2023 date.pdf